Sponsor Olympus Rally
Would you like to help sponsor Olympus Rally and get your business some great exposure while also supporting your local PNW Rally community? Olympus Rally has had 80+ entries for the last several years, and 5000+ spectators come to the area to see the cars race annually. There is a lot of opportunity to get your business in front of the rally community and we have made it simple with our options below.
Title Sponsor
Title Sponsorship includes:
All Olympus Rally logos will include Title Sponsor logo
Title Sponsor logo on volunteer t-shirts
(average 300 volunteers per event) -
Full back cover of the Spectator Guide
Option to have the sticker on every car. (Note: Image and 10" X 24" stickers provided by sponsor)
Logo prominently displayed on the official
Olympus Rally Website home page -
More creative options available on request.
Contact us for additional details!

Presenting Sponsor
Presenting Sponsorship includes:
Logo displayed on the official Olympus Rally website
Full page advertisement in the Spectator Guide
General Sponsorships
$1,500-2,000 |
Full page advertisement in the spectator guide.
Logo on the official Olympus Rally website, rotating with other sponsors.
$500-1,000 |​
Half page advertisement in the spectator guide.